JOE was created to make the services that Work Experience has been offering for years to companies looking for profiles and job seekers available anytime and anywhere!On JOE you will not find advertisements, because our goal is not clicks! Our goal is to create real connections between job offers and job seekers.For this reason we have integrated the experience and ability of our people with a Learning Machine capable of learning based on your indications and looking for the best job opportunities on the WEB for you.Our "intelligent" database can be queried by each company on the basis of its needs, deciding each time which are the truly indispensable requirements for the professional profiles it is looking for.The conception, development and implementation of this project was possible thanks to the contribution provided by the Campania Region, POR FESR 2014-20CUP B24E21000000007Project co-financed by the European Union - 2014-2020 Programming Por Campania Fesr 2014-2020, Axis 3 "Competitiveness of the production system", Specific objective 3.5 "Emergence and consolidation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises", Action 3.5.2 "Support to ICT solutions in the production processes of SMEs, in line with the smart specialization strategy, with particular reference to: electronic commerce, cloud computing, digital manufacturing and IT security"